Institute of Psychoanalysis
Architecture Foundation competition, London. 2016 shortlisted entry
We were one of only four practices shortlisted by the Architecture Foundation for the redevelopment of Byron House, the London home of the Institute of Psychoanalysis. It involved the remodeling of both the Institute’s suite of childrens consultation rooms and the Sigmund Freud lecture room. The Institute is the main learned society for psychoanalysts in the UK and has a long history and a worldwide reputation. The Institute trains people to become psychoanalysts, hosts lectures and conferences for psychoanalysts, holds events and courses for others with an interest in psychoanalysis, provides low fee psychoanalytic treatment for patients, and publishes the longest established and most widely distributed journal in the field – the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

Ground floor axonometric

Basement axonometric

Existing ground floor plan

Proposed ground floor plan

Existing basement plan

Proposed basement plan

Existing and proposed sections through lecture theatre and ante room

Proposed section through entrance and ante room

Street elevation
Our proposals were informed by our admiration for the institutional buildings of the early twentieth century, and sought to bring the friendly order of the street facade inside as new screens, to define the new spaces of the remodelled interiors. This order brings harmony to the different parts of the programme and makes a distinction between the existing building and a new kind of building capable of conferring intentional meaning. Through architectural order Byron House may be given a new meaning as a place of ideas while retaining some of the characteristics of its industrial past as a dairy.
The screens contain pivoting or sliding doors, display cases or sliding shutters depending on their location, to provide flexible spaces.